
Myrtle (Myrtus communis)

Myrtle, typical of the Mediterranean scrub, gives off a dry and delicately balsamic aroma.
€ 5.00

Type: Simple incense

Plant: Myrtus communis

Origin: Mediterranean area

Fragrance: dry

History and traditions: Myrtle exudes a delicate, balsamic aroma, once prized both in fumigations and in the preparation of ointments and salves. In all ancient civilizations, myrtle was considered sacred and consecrated in various religious cults to female deities - Astarte, Aphrodite, Venus and Mary - as a symbol of purity, grace and love. For this reason, myrtle was considered capable of promoting love and was used to purify enclosed spaces. Its use was also indicated during meditation and prayer.

Information: Myrtle is a wild species of the Mediterranean regions, common in the Mediterranean scrub. In the Sardinian gastronomic tradition it represents a widely used ingredient for flavoring meats, while myrtle berries are used in the preparation of liqueurs.

Reference INCMIR7300000 Category Plants and Woods

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