
Mirrh Yemen (Commiphora myrrha)

Myrrh gives off a sweet aroma, with a hint of acidity that becomes more pronounced toward the end of the burn. The one originating in Yemen is of the best quality and darker in color than the African one.
€ 12.00

Myrrh from Yemen has a darker color and a more chewy texture than African myrrh. The scent is more intense and the sweet notes are more present. Unfortunately, it is not a product that is always available due to political instability in the region.

Type: Basic Incense - Resin

Plant: Commiphora myrrha

Origin: Yemen

Aroma: sweet, with a hint of acidity that becomes more pronounced toward the end of the burn.

History and traditions: Used by the ancient Egyptians as one of the ingredients of Kyphi, myrrh embodies the energy of our planet and reconnects with the earth. Fumigation with this resin was believed to soothe the tired and confused mind.

Information: There are about fifty species of Commiphora, but the most commonly used for myrrh production is Commiphora myrrha. Myrrh is partially soluble in water, so it is also possible to use it in candle essence burners by placing a few grains in water.

Reference INCMIR4300000 Category Resins

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