
Labdanum (Cistus ladanifer)

Labdanum is a resin that comes from a shrub typical of the Mediterranean area. Its aroma is sweet, with notes of vanilla and amber.
€ 8.50
Typology: Basic incense - Resin

Plant: Cistus villosus

Origin: Mediterranean area

Aroma: Sweet, vanilla and amber

History and traditions: Ladano was much loved by the ancient Egyptians who used it in traditional blends such as Kyphi and as an aid to reach the unconscious and bring back memories.

Information: Ladano is extracted from a shrub typical of the Mediterranean area which exudes a resinous mass with a dark brown colour. Given its consistency, during the summer months it is recommended to keep it in the fridge or freeze it to be able to work with it.

Riferimento INCLAD4000000 Categoria Resins

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